Saturday, 12 April 2014

Day 2, 3 and 4: Induction to the PGPX program

After a wonderful inauguration event and dinner with some thoughtful discussions with professors and chair of the program on Sunday the whole batch went through a 3 day induction process. Induction process covered various aspects of the program from academics to infrastructure, from accessing the amazing Vikram Sarabhai library to utilizing all the facilities offered to students.

Induction introduced us to the various departments at IIM-A. We came to know about what marketing would offer vs. are they courses PGPX can avail from the PGP schedule and vice versa. We covered departments such as finance, marketing, operations, strategic human resource management, etc. 

IIMA PGPX admins and committee designed the induction to introduce us to the case based pedagogy methodology by asking to analyze the MH 370 ( Malaysian Airline ) disappearance mystery. We were suppose to discuss the whole mystery with our syndicate mates ( a group of 5 or 6 people who work together on cases and problems through out the TERM I and TERM II ). Believe me it was whole new experience compared to working in team at work ( my previous company Goldman Sachs, NY ) and understanding how different people bring different skills to the table and also how they behave, react, engage, communicate and express very differently from each other.

We also got an assignment to come up with a unique name of our syndicate and as well a logo and theme song/poem/words. It was the most entertaining project to work as a group and creatively think about the syndicates identification at the same defining a goal, a motivation and the rigor that we would have to follow in the coming 363 days.

Induction gave a glimpse of what lie ahead at times scaring us, making us nervous and at times enthusing the energy and motivation to achieve something. Emphasis was put to continuously introspect and look at the mirror to make sure you are going in the right direction.

More to come on how our courses on firms and markets, marketing and analysis of data started off. An interesting story coming up on the unique method of teaching by our marketing professor. :)

Good Night. 

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